Riverside Studios

Studio Notes  - March 2016


Practice Time

Please keep track of your practice time and submit your weekly total at each lesson.  


Idaho Falls Solo Festival

The IFMC Solo Festival will be held March 5th in Idaho Falls and March 12th in Rigby.  Please perform your repertoire as often as you can.    


Idaho Falls Scholarship Auditions

The IFMC Scholarship Auditions will be held Saturday, March 12 in Idaho Falls.  Be sure to email your biographical information to mdecker@mstar.net.   

The Winners Concert will be held on April 14 at the University Place Auditorium. 


UVMTA Spring Festival

The UVMTA Spring Festival will be held April 9th at BYU-Idaho.  Registration is in the coming week; please let me know if you will not be participating.     


Concerto Preparation

Please be sure your concerto is completely learned by March 1 and ready to be performed. 


Performance Classes

We will have several performance classes in the next few months.  These will be informal events (not recitals), and no refreshments will be served.  Family and friends may attend in street clothes; performers’ attire is dressy casual.  All classes will be held on Monday evenings at  6:00.  These will be short events (20-45 minutes), which hopefully can blend into other family night plans.  Performers and audience members should use concert manners.  Please do not ask to play first or leave early.  We hope you will use these smaller opportunities to help you prepare for the more formal settings of festival and competition. 

Tentative dates:

February 29

March 7

April 4


Upcoming Events

February 29 Performance Class

March 5     IFMC Festival (Idaho Falls)

March 7     Performance Class

March 12    IFMC Festival (Rigby)

March 12    IFMC Scholarship Auditions

March 16    UVMTA Teachers’ Ensemble Concert - BYU-Idaho

March 25    Sugar-Salem DYW

Mar 28-Apr 1      Spring Break - Studio Closed

April 4     Performance Class

April 9     UVMTA Festival

April 14    IFMC Scholarship Winners Concert

April 15    IFMC Concerto Festival

April 16    UVMTA Scholarship    Auditions

April 30    Concerto Competition

May 13-14   Musicians West

May 30-June 3  No Lessons

Happy Birthday

March 7     Erin Kennedy